FAQ: Rules of Engagement
Is the PressCorps biased towards any one faction?
The PressCorps is devoted to providing a full spectrum of stories for everyone. As such, all media output is done from a position of neutrality, with as little bias as reasonably possible. Commentary on a faction's actions may contain an opinion, but is done in a fair, non-partisan manner.
Membership includes a mix of Wardens and Colonials from across timezones and regiments, including regimental leadership.
Embedded correspondents follow this mission to the best of their ability, although certain social contexts may make it difficult.
How do I identify a PressCorps reporter?
The [PRESS] tag is used by the PressCorps' field correspondents (in-game reporters). It is added to their Steam name instead of joining a concerted regiment in the game because many reporters are themselves in actual regiments.
If you see us on the field, feel free to interact with us by sharing your story or just saying hello! We may be busy, but we always appreciate it.
There is a chance an independent journalist not affiliated with the PressCorps is wearing [PRESS] tags. We have no control over this because of Foxhole's lack of dedicated usernames, and we wouldn't want to monopolize the tag regardless.
Having said that, the PressCorps is not responsible for actions conducted by non-PressCorps reporters who happen to be using the [PRESS] tag. If you are unsure, inquire through our Discord.
Can reporters use weapons?
PressCorps reporters are bound by a strict code of observation, non-combatantcy, and neutrality while wearing [PRESS] tags. This includes abstaining from carrying weapons, operating turrets, spotting for fire support, throwing ordinance, healing, building, and anything that can be construed as directly hurting or helping. Continued and concerted breaking of these rules will result in expulsion.
Please note that reporters still spawn with the hammer, pistol, and 2 magazines like everyone else. They are often discarded at spawn, but certain situations such as spawn camping or impending danger may make that difficult.
Can I harm a reporter in the game?
We’d really appreciate it if you didn’t! That being said, no penalties are applied to any player that harms a PressCorps reporter in the game (aside from the usual team killing if on the same faction). We also make it a point to not get butt-hurt about it, and we understand war is chaos.
One of your reporters wasn't following the rules (Foxhole's or yours).
There have been previous incidents of non-PressCorps members using the [PRESS] tag or even impersonating PressCorps members outright. In this case, visit the staff roster to check if it was really one of our own members or not, and visit our Discord to let us know right away so we can investigate further. Pictures and video are always helpful.
I don’t feel like playing along with your roleplay.
Absolutely. We do our best to stay out of people’s way and not force the roleplay on anybody. If a reporter asks you a question, you’re not obligated to answer. We've just noticed that a lot of people do anyway.
By nature of your reporter schtick, aren’t you leaking intel?
We are very careful about revealing long-lasting, sensitive information (operation plans, ambushes/commando work, location of bases, precise supply counts, etc), especially when we’re reporting live. Keep in mind the very tip of the frontline doesn’t stay the same for very long. Our rule is: If the opposing faction can see it and is shooting at it, it’s safe to report.
Have you considered asking for special invincibility/freecam access?
Part of the charm of the PressCorps is our reporters are just like everyone else. It's true we often wave our [PRESS] tags to pursuing troops in the face of imminent death, but that's still a product of the game's sandbox which players don't have to (and often don't) follow. We still have to avoid explosions, use bandages, hitch a ride to the frontlines, and observe the battlefield with our boots on the ground like any regular soldier.