3rd-Party Publications

The following is a list of publications from 3rd-party news entities (newspapers, map-based infographs), archived for the historical record, on behalf of the Foxhole community. They are ordered based on general recency of posts.

All publications included in this section have either given permission to be hosted on the PressCorps website, or an attempt was made. Any views or opinions expressed in third-party publications do not necessarily reflect those of the PressCorps. 

If you'd like to submit a publication, past or present, join the PressCorps Discord and post in our #submissions channel.

Some publications have not had their backlog filled. Thank you for your patience.

The Scroop. A map-based infograph. Led by aki/TehAwesomeKitteh.

Cartography of War. A map-based infograph. Led by u/Ale_catboy

Ork Notes. A map-based infograph. Led by u/Bozihthecalm.

The Daily Updoot. A map-based infograph. Led by UntitledPhrogge.

La Gazette. A Warden Regimental newspaper for the [KGG]. Available in English and French. Led by NicooPanda

The Voice Of The Frontline. A Colonial Regimental newspaper for the [7-HP] and VELI coalition. Available in English and Spanish. Led by KarlFisburne.

La Voix de Callahan. A Warden newspaper. Led by Sukauto.

The Jade Cove Herald. A neutral newspaper. Led by Saucy Rambler.

The Mappping Project. A map-based infograph and newspaper. Led by Cev.

The Caoiva-Newsstory. A now-defunct Warden newspaper. Led by Big Mac Gaming.


Therizó  Times. A now-defunct Colonial Regimental newspaper for [VN]. Led by FairoRa.

The Frontline Post. A neutral newspaper. Led by PeachyTV

The 141st Bulletin. A Colonial Regimental newspaper for the [141st]. Led by Anruad

Highlanders Post. A Warden Regimental newspaper, now defunct. Led by BucklingTooth53

The North Star Gazette. A Warden newspaper. Led by BreadIsntFunny.

The Caoiva Inspierer. A Warden newspaper. Led by cooperg2001

Legionary Weekly. A Colonial newspaper from the now-defunct Colonial Press. Led by Rgbman195.

The Eternal Truth. A Warden newspaper from the now-defunct Warden Press. Led by Commissar Jimbo.