History Part 4:
Finest Hours
Jade Cove
By Geoffrey Jennings (CaptainInArms)
I: When the sea breaks,
A report on the first two rocket launches in Foxhole's history. It was our first mention of the rocket hitting Jade Cove. Heavily steeped in the PressCorps' self-created lore, including a political assassination, it was made before the PressCorps was fully aware of the actual crisis happening among the playerbase.
It was beyond anything we could have written in fiction.
If there was ever a defining moment for Foxhole, its community, the developers, and the PressCorps, it is, without question, the Jade Cove Missile Crisis of War 19. The history has been told a million different ways, and stubborn egos will continue to keep watch over their version of events.
So what's one more?
Here is the official PressCorps story:
The Jade Cove is a city in west central Farranac Coast that serves as the region's victory point. It is considered by many to be a critical checkpoint to secure passage between the middle and southern thirds of the region. But when it is addressed historically in the Foxhole community, people are most likely referring to a specific player-driven episode that happened in the game. That episode goes by several names: The Jade Cove Missile Crisis, The Farranac Missile Crisis, The Jade Cove Nuke, The Nuking of Jade Cove, or simply, "Jade Cove."
The crisis occurred in December of 2018 during War 19, amidst a strong Colonial Christmas counter-offensive across a wide, cross-regional front. The counter-offensive was also a comeback, with large momentum and morale riding on its success or failure. In Farranac Coast, Wardens retreated from Jade Cove's peninsula, to the Apollo's Landing district just north across the river, and a battle ensued on the parallel bridges that connect the two. (It should be noted that while these geographic descriptors may still be used with the current map as of this writing, the world map used in 2018 was different.)
Meanwhile at the Scarp of Ambrose rocket site, just a few hundred meters north of the battle, regimental infighting was reaching a flashpoint.
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Recreated map of the general situation in the region of Farranac Coast circa War 19, Day 347. The Colonials (green) entered the region from the south as part of their Christmas counter-offensive, and took control of the southern third. The Wardens (blue) held the northern two-thirds. Four bridges connect the southern third to the middle third. The Wardens had managed to destroy the longer bridges in the east (red), which would be more difficult for the Colonials to rebuild while under fire. This made Jade Cove, with its shorter dual bridges (yellow) and industry, a critical staging ground for the Colonial crossing into the rest of the region.
Note: several other bases, towns, safe hosues, and relic bases are not marked on this map for simplicity.
Screenshot of War 19 world map taken from [WNS] Cerberus' footage just prior to rocket launch. Note the old UI from 2018 and the presence of only 14 regions.
Screenshot of situation at Jade Cove, Farranac Coast. Image taken taken at local time 15:32 on Day 347, from [WNS] Cerberus' footage just prior to launch. Note the old UI from 2018.
In Foxhole, rockets are strategic game-changers. Normally, world structures like Town Bases can be rebuilt an infinite number of times after being destroyed. When struck by a rocket, any world structure within a rocket’s blast radius is permanently destroyed for the duration of that War. Rockets are popularly known in the community as "nukes," but the rocket's warhead is non-nuclear, and there is no danger from fallout or radiation. Regardless of how they're called, rockets require a tremendous amount of coordination, recon, supply, construction, protection, and long-term planning. As such, a majority of rockets are handled by Regiments, Foxhole's version of MMO clans.
The Warden North Star regiment, aka [WNS], was conducting an operation to launch a rocket superweapon at Jade Cove. In a PressCorps interview, [WNS] leader UEemperor described a use-it-or-lose-it mentality, in the event the Colonials established a foothold beyond Jade and run rampant in the middle portion of Farranac. Simultaneously, he had hoped to stymie the Colonial offensive in Farranac while denying them use of Jade Cove as a base of operations.
A screenshot of the in-game Warden World Chat post-rocket impact. [WNS] UEemperor would immediately defend and justify his decision to target Jade Cove with a rocket. Posted by user "[WN] Caliph Moon" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/28 at 07:27EST.
(Above) [WNS] UEemperor on Discord the following afternoon, defending his actions.
(Above) A contemporary Discord screenshot of [WNS] Cerberus in an unspecified channel defending his regiment's actions in the ensuing hours of the launch. Posted by an unknown user to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 12:37 EST.
(Right) Contemporary screenshot of [WNS] Cerberus outlining his regiment's presence during the launch.
Posted by user "Avalon" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 13:48 EST.
Meanwhile, other Wardens - regimented and unaffiliated - were attempting to talk down [WNS] UEemperor through World/Region text chat, Discord messages, and local voice chat at the rocket launch site. They argued the Colonials could be held at Jade Cove's dual bridges, and the city could be retaken with relative ease from the north in a counterattack. By contrast, the Colonials would have a much harder time breaking through the city’s thin, southern bottleneck again. The Warden Navy regiment - aka [WN] - even claimed to have snuck a spotter close enough via gunboat to target what they considered to be a better target at nearby Victa. [WN] also claimed to have destroyed the Jade Cove town base themselves.
Arguments lasted for at least 40 minutes, but likely for longer. About a dozen of passerby of varying experience were also at the launch site to observe what was happening, and both regiments attempted to jockey the crowd's opinion as they debated publicly in parallel with their backchannel arguing. Members of the crowd would grow bored or anxious as the situation dragged on, and teamkills would sporadically happen around a rocket primed to fire.
At one point, in screen recording footage taken by [WNS] Cerberus, the [WN]’s Mint attempted to destroy the primed rocket by firing upon it with his Battle Tank multiple times, but did no harm due to the rocket’s invulnerability to friendly fire. [WNS] UEemperor was staring down [WN] Mint in a Battle Tank of his own, and the former retaliated with a limited number of shots, but with no killing blow. Others attempted to use infantry-based ordinance, but to no avail.
Contemporary comments on Discord claim [WNS] members were shooting Wardens who tried to interfere with their rocket launch. Corroborating evidence does not exist beyond what is known by the PressCorps.
The 50 minutes of raw gameplay footage at the Scarp of Ambrose rocket superweapon launch site prior to the missile's launch, captured by [WNS] Cerberus.
(Above, Right) Desperate text chats in World, Region, and Local text chats were made to various members of [WNS] in an attempt to dissuade the regiment from firing at Jade Cove with the rocket.
Chat screenshots taken from [WNS] Cerberus' footage just prior to launch.
A screenshot of the in-game Warden Region chat, taken some time before the rocket launch. Posted by Discord user "CSPAN" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 10:36EST.
A screenshot of the in-game Warden World chat, taken some time before the rocket launch. Posted, with their added emphasis, by Discord user "KarpoFF" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/28 at 04:12EST.
A screenshot of the in-game Warden World chat, taken some time after the rocket launch. Posted, with their added emphasis, by Discord user "Klaus von Reinherz" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 10:36EST.
Screenshot from [WNS] Cerberus' Discord conversation with [WN] VonKlaus, showing the latter offering an alternative to Jade Cove as a rocket superweapon target.
(Below) Screenshot from [WNS] Cerberus' footage. A conversation between [WN] vonklaus and "potato man" in the [WNS] Discord server.
II: When the stars fall,
The real-life time and date of the rocket's launch and impact taken from the FoxholeStats.com War 19 event log. The "loss" of Sickle Hill was the "scorching" of the rocket launch site as the missile left the launch pad. In the War 19 iteration of the game, launch pads were pre-placed game assets in the world that had to be captured by players. These sites could only be used once before being "scorched."
Moment of rocket impact. Observer was further north in Apollo's Landing, as indicated by the compass, looking southward to the Warden-controlled side of the eastern bridge to Jade Cove. Note [WN] and [WNS] continuing arguments in the Region text chat. Posted by user "Agatha" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord at 21:59EST.
With the rocket fueled at half capacity, the minimum amount needed to fire at a target only within regional borders, the rocket was successfully launched. It made swift landfall on Jade Cove on Wednesday, December 26th 2018 sometime between 21:58-22:00EST. Day 347 of the 19th Foxhole War, 18:54 in-game War Time.
It is unknown how many Colonials were killed from the rocket itself. Estimates are on the low end due to the 10 minutes required for the spotter to lock onto the target, giving ample time for a majority of Colonials to fall back outside the blast radius. The only known and easily-available footage of the physical rocket making impact on the city comes from the user “SeedMovie” on YouTube (known in the game as Seed), who was recording from the Colonial point of view. It shows about a dozen Colonials with light vehicles, huddled around the uncaptured town hall in a clearly taunting manner, but not much else.
It is also unknown if any Wardens were killed in the blast. Live, radio-informed map footage of the impact from [WNS] Cerberus shows only Colonial infantry on both ends of both parallel bridges connecting Jade Cove to Apollo’s Landing. Additionally, Seed's footage shows no Wardens within the radius of a watchtower built directly adjacent to the uncaptured town hall. Finally in the Warden chatbox, player “LeckTheTech” (no affiliation with user “Lek”) is shown to have killed 4 teammates simultaneously mere seconds after the impact, but the [WNS] Cerberus footage shows this came from a green ash grenade thrown at the launch site - either in anger or as a troll. A squad of [82DK] were claimed to have been taken out along with a field artillery piece, but no evidence has surfaced to corroborate the witness testimony.
(Above) Screencap from YouTuber SeedMovie (player Seed), showing the situation at Jade Cove via a radio-informed map, 11 seconds before rocket impact. No Wardens appear to be in the vinicity. Note the "Day 15" at the top indicates the 15th real-life day of the war.
(Left) Screenshot of [82DK] 4darling4 claiming himself, a dozen other members of the regiment, and a field artillery piece were directly destroyed by the rocket. From Discord user "[WN] Subway" in #foxhole-discussion of the Foxhole Discord.
In the immediate aftermath of the detonation, the Colonials moved back into the city with a mechanized infantry platoon to hold the position where the town hall once stood. Some Warden infantry forded the river and climbed the destroyed parallel bridges to begin skirmishes, but, with their tanks unable to cross with them, were unable to form an effective counter-attack.
(Above) Screenshot of situation at Jade Cove, Farranac Coast seconds after the missile's impact. The town hall was ground zero, after which a blast radius quickly fanned out and destroyed the scrap mine and safehouse. Image taken taken at local time 18:55 on Day 347, from [WNS] Cerberus' footage. (Note the old UI.)
(Left) Contemporary screenshot of the now-defunct Foxhole War Map bot, showing its map of the strategic situation the morning after the rocket launch. Posted by user "Sethfire" to the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 06:17EST.
(Right) Image emphasizing the contrast in distance between the first Colonial (long line) and first Warden (short line) rocket operations. Posted by an unknown user to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord.
Steam message conversation between [WNS] Cerberus and [WGA] Serenity. From Discord user "KarpoFF" in #foxhole-disucssion.
Blame, arguments, shock, memes, and misinformation from both factions swept through every channel of communication: World/Region chats, countless local voice conversations, the Foxhole Subreddit, YouTube comments, most regimental Discord servers, and the Foxhole Official Discord. Many of the comments and conversations on the Foxhole Discord can be searched and viewed today in real time as the incident unfolded (just search “jade cove”, sort by “old”, and go through 6 pages of menus until you get to comments from December 26th).
If there was ever a "living history" for MMOs, it's Foxhole's social media on the hours, days, and weeks following the launch.
(Above) Samples of Discord reactions to the destruction of Jade Cove. You can view these surviving reactions, and entire chains of real-time discussion, yourself by searching “jade cove,” sorting by “old,” and going through six pages of menus until you get to comments from December 26th, 2018.
(Above) Samples of reactions to the destruction of Jade Cove from the r/FoxholeGame subreddit, including an official developer Reddit post, in which the developers explained they "do not...deem this most recent event to be a case of griefing."
III: When my heart cries,
I remember hearing about it at my family's post-Christmas party (Filipinos love Christmas). My uncle was drunkenly singing a Bon Jovi song on the karaoke machine when I happened to pull up Discord on my phone. The number of pings and DMs I came into was once-in-a-lifetime, and I regret not taking a screenshot. I was actually quite flattered people had thought to individually give me a heads up, but I was even prouder of how many PressCorps reporters were jumping on the story and assembling the fundamentals (the who, what, when, where, why, and how), entirely of their own volition. I was nervous of taking on the story at first, since it was likely going to take on a heavy dose of drama the Corps makes a point of avoiding, but the sheer amount of misinformation (and likely disinformation) spewing from every conceivable channel spurred us on.
Before, the PressCorps was seeped in its own lore and the theatrics of my multiple characters. As the actual player-reporters of the PressCorps kept wading through the mountain range of info, all that self-story building faded into the distant background, and we were left with a report ready to air within 24 hours of the initial incident, including interviews with:
[WGA] Serenity, member of the Warden Guardian Angels who permanently switched factions after being targeted in teamkill attacks.
[WN] VonKlaus, leader of the Warden Navy, which was accused of fermenting the blue-on-blue teamkilling that followed the rocket launch (the "civil war").
[WNS] UEemperor, leader of the Warden North Star who ordered the rocket launch on Jade Cove.
The were visual issues with the livestream, the interviews probably could have been edited for time better, and any attempt by me to ad lib new information that wasn't on the script was painfully obvious. There's a lot of info I missed I later discovered through research for this very page. Hell, I hadn't even locked in the Geoffrey Jennings character voice yet (once again reminding everyone I do use a voice pitch changer).
But the fact the PressCorps was able to gather information, conduct interviews, and present this story to the public one day after it happened - and get the story fundamentally correct - is a testament to the Corps' collective power when it has the time and determination.
A live special report on the Jade Cove Missile Crisis that gripped the Foxhole community in the days between Christmas 2018 and New Years. The Corps maintains a long-standing precedent to avoid social drama, but decided to go forward with the broadcast due to exceptional circumstances, including: misinformation, disinformation, widespread friendly-fire incidents, and rumored "kill-on-sight" orders. Assembled in just 24 hours after the rocket's impact, the report was a moment of truth in the Corps' history, and quite possibly its finest hour.
Note this video was on the old "Geoffrey Jennings" YouTube channel , prior to the creation of the dedicated PressCorps one. Additionally, this was back when the PressCorps was hosting dedicated "Warden Press" and "Colonial Press" as part of its roleplay, until the idea was ultimately scrapped for a unifed PressCorps brand.
Contemporary cross-faction public opinion strongly suggested the targeting of Jade Cove was considered helpful for the Colonials and harmful for the Wardens, based on the amount of visible discourse. As that discourse quickly devolved into an uncontrollable frenzy, some Wardens took it upon themselves to enact revenge through in-game teamkilling and Discord harassment. However, misinformation purportedly turned the revenge teamkillings into sporadic free-for-alls, as it was not immediately clear to players at the time which regiment actually launched the rocket.
Many names were floated, but the three main tags involved were:
[WGA] Warden Guardian Angels - the regiment that constructed and fueled the rocket, but handed off targeting and launch operations to [WNS]. Claimed to not have been involved in the targeting or launch decisions.
[WN] Warden Navy - the regiment most vocally opposed to the targeting of Jade Cove and seemingly most involved group with at least promoting revenge teamkills.
[WNS] Warden North Star - the regiment that conducted the actual targeting and launch.
The fact that all three regiments started with the word "Warden" likely added to the mass confusion.
(Above) In screenshots from a Discord discussion with [PRESS] ValleySword (ret.), Warden Navy officer [WN] Mint strongly suggested the issuance of an official "Kill On Sight (KOS)" order by the Warden Navy.
(Right) A screenshot of Warden Navy officer [WN] Alpert showcasing a screenshot of a [WGA] discussion, and strongly suggesting a KOS order in an unspecified Discord channel. Screenshot was originally hosted on [WGA] Serenity's Reddit AMA before the link stopped working.
(Below) An incentivized KOS order put out by [WN] VonKlaus in the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord. Moderators had to mute him on several occasions. He previously denied a KOS order in a PressCorps interview, while also saying, in that same interview, he would personally shoot [WNS] UEemperor's in-game character himself. It is unknown to the full extent the effect of the KOS order had, but a link between it and the harassment experienced by players in and out of the game is possible.
Images of Discord conversations strongly suggest a "kill on sight" order was issued by the Warden Navy's leadership for any member of [WNS] and [WGA]. [WN] Von Klaus denied these claims in a PressCorps interview, however in the same interview, he also stated he would personally break Terms Of Service and fire at two members of [WNS] leadership on sight if he ever came across him in the game.
It is unknown the actual extent of the revenge teamkillings, as little evidence of killfeeds in the ensuing hours and real-life days exist. It would also be difficult to differentiate between concerted revenge teamkills, acts of self-defense, uninvolved players caught in the crossfire, by-stander intervention, and accidental teamkills that happen regularly throughout a war.
No audio or video of these large-scale teamkills exist beyond what is known by the PressCorps, and it is difficult to parse how long it went for. Known evidence suggests the "civil war" crescendoed quickly once Jade Cove was destroyed, and did not last more than a couple of hours, though isolated incidents may have occurred later as aftershocks.
Additionally, the in-game report system was utilized extensively in the wake of the rocket launch. It may be going too far to say the report system was weaponized, as many people reporting geuinely believed [WNS] to be griefing, especially when word got around the rocket had killed teammates. Regardless, [WNS] was certainly on the receiving end of most of those mass reports.
What is known with absolutely clarity is the infighting was enough to completely shatter Warden morale and organization.
Colonial World Chat screenshot. Posted on 12/26 22:01EST by user "thecopedestroyer" in the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord server, minutes after the rocket's impact. Note that players used to be able to talk to the other faction via the now-removed All Chat.
(Right) In-game screenshot by a Warden player, with chat showing confusion over the immediate situation, and distrust of [WNS] in the wake of the rocket strike. [|aX] Rekoza writes "plan around what we have but don't forget to not work with WNS"
Time and location unspecified.
Posted by user "4l3x4nd3r" to the #foxhole-discussion channel in the Foxhole Discord on 12/27 at 13:03EST.
(Left) In-game screenshot from an unspecified player who was in a Squad with [WNS] Cerberus. [WN] Mint, in a Battle Tank, has just recently killed [WNS] Cerberus, as confirmed by the teamkill log in the chat.
Time and location unspecified.
Posted by user "thelowspeccomputerdude" in the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord server on 12/26 at 22:24EST.
Their caption of the image: "WNS being KOSed."
(Right) Warden chat showing a cross-section of the "civil war," including [WNS] members being targeted by the in-game report system as well as through teamkills.
From Discord user "thecopedestroyer" in the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord server on 12/26 at 22:27EST.
(Left) A screenshot from a Warden logistics driver. In the chat, discussion continues on the rocket. [3SP] Der Henker can be seen typing "BRING ME CERBERUS HEAD...I WANT CERBS FKING HEAD ON A PIKE," while [WN] Sicarii writes "Word, as in coming and doing som Callahan justice." [82DK]
Time and location not specified.
From Discord user "RoyalSoul" in the #foxhole-discussion channel of the Foxhole Discord server.
Contemporary Discord screenshot messaged from [WNS] UEemperor to [PRESS] ValleySword. It is unknown where the screenshot originates from. Given the three users are all from Warden regiments, it is likely from a Warden-only chat and/or Warden-only server.
[WNS] disbanded in the face of mounting and sustained pressure from the corners of Foxhole. As debate continued on whether or not the rocket was a concerted troll or ego-driven hubris, there was no denying [WNS] remained a pariah.
World Chat screenshot. As the "civil war" continued, rhetoric escalated.
(Left) Then-Foxhole Community Manager Max explains why the moderators did not view [WNS] targeting of Jade Cove as an act of griefing, which is against Terms of Service, and would not be taking action. The in-game report system had seen a significant uptick in reports towards [WNS] members for their missile launch. (Above, Below) Then-Foxhole Discord moderator Sir would amp up moderation in the hours after the rocket impact.
What started as Colonials sallying out from their last-stand in the southern regions, turned into a fight for the River Mercy in the center, and eventually a Warden implosion that saw two more rockets strike towns deep into their regions in the north. It would not be until the 2022 Warden "30/32" comeback of War 93 that Foxhole would see a comeback of this scale. While that era of the Wardens as a faction is viewed for its controversy and disunity, evidence suggests that a "Jade Curse" didn't really materialize. The Wardens would go on to win Wars 20 and 21, and the fastest war in Foxhole history, the 48-hour War 26, would also go to them. Additionally, there were dozens of other Warden regiments still operating as usual.
Screenshotted Map Day 278
Screenshotted Map Day 451
(Left) Day 278, approx. Dec 23rd, 2018. Arguably, the high water mark of Warden advance.
(Right) Day 451, appox Dec , 2018. The results of the Colonial counter-offensive that ultimately won them War 19.
Note that spent rocket sites and their targets are in red, with Jade Cove and the rocket site that struck it located in the central-west coast at the mouth of the river. Screenshots taken from FoxholeStats.com, taken by Gil Brian Perez/Potato.
(Below) Re-created, interactive maps by the PressCorps' Zack Dawson.
Interactive Map Day 278
Interactive Map Day 451
Another sure fact coming out of the Warden teamkilling is that [WGA] Serenity, a long-time Warden player, switched to the Colonial faction for at least the following war after receiving harassment through Discord and in-game local chat. In their Reddit "Ask Me Anything (AMA)" thread nine months after the incident, it's clear there was bad blood between [WGA], [WN], and other regiments long before Jade Cove, with all sides likely sharing their load of the blame. It's more drama than I care to go into, and quite frankly, it scarcely matters.
The "civil war" appeared to be a continuation of previous animosity that had a chance to boil over with the rocket. It's unclear how big the powder keg was, but it was most certainly the biggest match the game can offer.
When asked "Do you realize that you are a part of the history/lore of this game now and how cool this is?" [WGA] Serenity answered:
"I'd love that fact if it meant I didn't have to abandon my random friends on the Warden side who don't like playing on clans and have to start fresh gaining respect on the Collie side. The more I think about it, the more I think that's my only option if I want to keep playing. And you know what? I think that's just what I'm gonna do as soon as this Reddit post dies down."
(Top Left) Contemporary screenshot of [WGA] Serenity announcing the disbandment of the regiment in the Warden Guardian Angels Discord server.
(Bottom Left) Another contemporary screenshot of the message.
One of the less talked-about aspects when it comes to analysis of Jade Cove is the "civil war." As Foxhole developer Alkas stated in [WGA] Serenity's Discord AMA:
IV: Yet will I trust my saviour.
Players expressed frustration at how a very small minority of players could go against the express wishes of the rest of the faction, and without any way for disciplinary action through either official developer moderation like bans, or player moderation through mechanics. The developers remained focused on giving players as much agency as possible.
As players debated what should become of [WNS], others pointed out flaws in the fundamental mechanics of the rocket's operation. It was argued the rocket was too powerful on a strategic level, to be made so accessible to only a handful of players, with so little input from the rest of the faction. While [WNS] believed their actions correct, potentially thousands more thought otherwise, and appeared to be in the strong majority.
When does the freedom of a smaller group supplant the freedom of the rest of the faction?
How does Foxhole, an MMO designed around teamwork en masse, handle the inherent politics of a wide-scale war?
No concerted mechanic has been implemented that officially democratizes the targeting and launch system. However, the launch sequence did see a major change. From 2018 to 2024, the rocket launch sequence took 10 minutes. As of late 2024, it takes 72 real-life hours, and every player is informed of the targeting during that timeframe. This significant increase, coupled with its mass publicization, now makes it more difficult for an isolated group to make secret plans, and gives time for the rest of the faction to apply social pressure.
So far, no incident involving rockets has reached parity with Jade Cove of War 19, but the shadow of the incident hangs heavy over all strategic disputes.
The context surrounding the events of the day were spectacular. War 19 was the largest, most populous, and bloodiest (1.7m combined dead) seen up to that point. It was an update war, with the battle tanks first saw excited deployment and ferocious action. Forward momentum by the Wardens over the first 13 real-life days of fighting - a victory nearly assured - was dramatically overturned in a Colonial Christmas resurgence. And of course, the first rocket superweapon was launched...by the Colonials on the old Warden town of Spade in then-Mooring County (now The Moors). The operation that was so straightforward, it was quickly forgotten.
Straightforward, in the face of what happened at the crown jewel of Farranac Coast - The Jade Cove.
The Jade Cove Missile Crisis of War 19, or simply known as “Jade Cove”, is a cultural touchstone in the vast history of Foxhole. It was an episode that saw ego and hubris consume one group, malicious spite another, and the raw energy of it all leaving a community reeling.
It is, in the opinion of this reporter, one of gaming's greatest stories, Foxhole's rawest days, and, perhaps, the PressCorps' finest hour.
The first of a three-part documentary on Foxhole's War 19 by PressCorps reporter Gil Brian Perez, aka "Potato." Originally premiered live on the PressCorps' Twitch channel just one year after the incident, it is considered by some as a watershed moment in Foxhole media. It was so good in its research and artistry, that when Potato presented the final product to me, we knew it had to go on his personal channel. He would later use the same skills to pursue more academic efforts, and his content on real wars can be viewed on his channel.
(Left) Gil Brian Perez's 89-page working document for the War 19 documentary, complete with notes, script, visual evidence, and interview transcripts. The document was passed around the PressCorps to centralize their work. Approximately six reporters contributed to the video in varying capacities, and 28 players were credited as having been interviewed in some manner. (Above) Over 100 minutes of recorded interview for the documentary.
(Below) Timeline used by Perez to organize the documentary.
A highlight of the PressCorps' report on PCGamesN.com
A feature on the War 19 documentary on PC Gamer.
(Above) Intro to the 1st anniversary live show where Potato's documentary was debuted live on the PressCorps stream. The intro is a parody of Ken Burns' The Civil War. (Right) Promotional poster for the live show. (Below) Front page of Foxhole with a link to the show.
When the sea shakes, then I trust my saviour.
When the sea breaks, still I trust my saviour
that if the sea crumbles into rust, tumbles into dust,
yet will I trust my saviour.
When the stars call, then I trust my saviour.
When the stars fall, still I trust my saviour.
And if the stars crumble into rust, tumble into dust,
yet will I trust my saviour.
When my heart sighs, then I trust my saviour.
When my heart cries, still I trust my saviour.
And if my heart crumbles into rust, tumbles into dust,
yet will I trust my saviour.
When the stars fall, then I trust my saviour.