Part of Operation Ketchup

WAR 116, DAY 197, Mercy's Wail, ALLOD'S BIGHT --- A nondescript bar, somewhere far into snowy Warden territories. Despite the packed place, I immediately spotted the people I had come for. A group of sailors, recognizable by their ‘bachis’, stand apart from the rest of the clientele. They all have a drink in their hand. I make my way through the crowd and manage to find a stool to sit on. The barkeeper has offered them free drinks as a reward for their latest deed. That's precisely why I'm here.

Admiral Heinz, leader of [SCUM], notices me and motion me to sit next to him. He quickly explains why he contacted me. Thanks to the regiment previous war's extensive experience in behind-the-line operations, Heinz managed to put together a fairly accurate map of  likely dry docks construction sites. "In the end, we ended with a dozen possible sites", he concluded while showing the aforementioned map. The old sea dog then turned to the young recruit sitting on his right and patted him vigorously on the back. "This mad man here, went to check every single one of them. By himself!" The young man is obviously beaming with pride.

Admiral Heinz, leader of [SCUM], notices me and motion me to sit next to him. He quickly explains why he contacted me. Thanks to the regiment previous war's extensive experience in behind-the-line operations, Heinz managed to put together a fairly accurate map of  likely dry docks construction sites.

"In the end, we ended with a dozen possible sites", he concluded while showing the aforementioned map. The old sea dog then turned to the young recruit sitting on his right and patted him vigorously on the back. "This mad man here, went to check every single one of them. By himself!" The young man is obviously beaming with pride.

His last reconnaissance sortie led him to Allod's Bight. The narrow river inlets north of Mercy's Wail are perfect sites for dry docks. Speeding through the night and the waves with his motorboat, Jobond427 was getting ever deeper into Colonial territory. 

Location of the aformentionned Dry Dock

"With the banks so close to each other, I was without a doubt under Observation bunker range. Even with cover of darkness I had to be quick. Thankfully, on my second passage, I found what I was looking for, south of Harpy's Perch's oil field."

The installation had been finished recently, with no rust to be seen and a single boat sitting in the dry dock. "I reported back to HQ. They told me to either get back now for our prepared sortie..." A malicious smile lights his face "... or to do as much damage as I could." He settled for the second option. Looking around him, the only other marooned ships were two Gunboats, a Colonial and a Warden. "I discreetly slipped into the water and swam a short distance to the Colonial one. After making sure no one was around, I raised myself onto her deck. Once cleared, I went to check the main gun, out of spite. But low and behold, it was full! And I'm not saying three shells. No no no. I'm talking a fully loaded turret, plus a full wet stowage as well. I jumped onto the next boat, and was met with pretty much the same scene."

Both ships were parked close enough for Jobond427 to eyeball his shots. He aimed the turret towards the dry dock. The first shot was dead on. The sailor then went weapons free. Shell after shell after shell fell, water starting to seep through the forming cracks. "I kept firing for like, fifteen minutes or so. I ended up out of ammo, so I jumped on the second boat and kept shooting it." I was a bit skeptical at this claim, asking how all this ruckus didn't triggered a response? Jobond was as perplexed as me: "I was wondering myself the entire time. But I didn't mind, it gave me ample time to destroy this dry dock by myself."

After cross-referencing with Colonial and neutral sources, it appears Jobond427's claim is legitimate. Making sure to see the bassin ruptured and sinking before leaving, this lone sailor managed to slip back to his lines without trouble. 

Writer: [PRESS] Jean Baricave

Sources: [SCUM] Admiral Heinz, [SCUM] Jobond427

Editor: [PRESS] Geoffrey Jennings

Date of Publication: 28/09/2024