War 118, Resistance Phase, Huskhollow, FARRANAC COAST --- After a long day at the frontline, I was finally returning to the PressCorp’s field base on my bicycle. On my way back, a young warden soldier named The Smiling Devil waved at me to stop. He asked me if I worked for the PressCorps; I told him that I did. He insisted that I listen to his story. He wasn't a part of any regiment or squad so I was intrigued to hear what he wanted to say. I agreed but requested he make it quick. He sat down on a nearby chair and started to recount his story.

Devil said that he had joined the fight only a few days ago and today was his first day fighting on the front. He was stationed in Huskhollow, across the river Mercy. Upon arriving on the front he armed himself with a field mortar but had no spotter. He took a pair of binoculars with him and planned to spot as well as fire, but before he could do this, another soldier came to him and asked if he wanted a spotter. Devil agreed and they both took up positions behind a rock, to protect themselves from small arms fire.

A full scale assault was being launched on the bridge by the Wardens, the Colonials had blown up the bridge and had taken up defensive positions. A group of 6-8 medics had also set up a temporary Field Hospital on the frontline to treat soldiers as fast as possible. There was also a peculiar friendly fire incident in which a warden soldier, by mistake, stepped in front of the mortar and was blown to bits. This happened due to the very limited space the Wardens had to attack. Throughout the night the Wardens tried to attack the bridge again and again, supported by the mortar crew which fired all types of shells and flares at their enemies. They were reinforced by two armoured cars and two light tanks, which arrived in the middle of the night, but took the wise decision to not advance on the bridge since the time of night offered limited visibility. 

As soon as the sun rose, as many as 20 Wardens assaulted the positions with everything they had. They went under the bridge, swam across and held ground while the tanks and mortars supported their attack. Engineers tried to rebuild the bridge as fast as they could, but then suddenly the Colonial artillery started pummeling their positions. Unfazed, the engineers repaired the bridge in the nick of time. Warden armour thundered across the bridge and Warden troops charged at the Colonial’s defenses. Enemy morale was shattered as the routed legionaries left behind their posts. The Wardens were able to capture the Colonial guns which were firing at them, and maintained their foothold across the bridge.

The attack did not stop there however, Wardens continued to push deeper inside Colonial territory. To such an extent was the Colonial spirit broken that for two hours straight the Wardens destroyed and burned Colonial infrastructure with minimal resistance. The Wardens were able to push the Colonials out of the region entirely since it was only the bridge securing their safety.

By the time he finished recounting he was immediately recalled for sentry duty on the bridge. I was reminded of how a soldier’s duty never finishes

Parked trucs waiting for departure

Writer: [PRESS] Renold Dasilov

Sources: The Smiling Devil 

Editor: [PRESS] Jean Baricave, [PRESS] Teadora 'Teddi' Rococo

Date of Publication: 04/12/2024