Approximate path of the Warden advances into Westgate, Days 320 (Santuary) and 339 (northern border with Farranac).
WAR 96, DAY 320, Westgate --- All was quiet on the north of Westgate, while to the northwest, battle raged as the Colonials were pushed out of the town of Santuary by advancing Warden troops. In response to this success, elements of the [27th] regiment of the Warden Army were preparing in combination with regiments [CL], [ITA], and [11eRC] to assault the northern parts of Westgate.
27th Specialist Derp Cade would comment: "I went to the North part of Westgate a couple days prior to scout ahead for possible openings, after noticing a lack of defences I reported to high command and they made the preparations".
This planned Warden assault would begin in response to a successful counter attack led by Colonial regiment [TLG] that destroyed the Warden town base in the recently captured Sanctuary.
The Warden invasion force preparing at Macha's Keening, Farranac Coast.
DAY 339 --- A cracking Colonial front line gave way to the Warden offensive supported by heavy artillery and armor formations. Against an estimated 10 Devitt Mk. III's and other variants, the Colonials had hastily organised their own defensive force. Built from rapidly drawn reserves it composed a loose combination of 8 or so Hatchets and Pelekys alongside a handful of damaged prototype Falchions.
Although generally equal in numbers, the Colonial tanks found themselves funnelled between the smouldering wrecks of their brethren and previously intact bunkers. As such although high on hope after the loss of the prototype Falchions and heavy losses, Colonial troops had to withdraw from the Inkwell Land Crossroads. Regrouping with a large Colonial reinforcing force to the South and reorganising over the next few days the Colonial forces were able to organise a effective defence and even recapture multiple losses momentarily.
Ultimately though Colonial troops would have to accept defeat with 'Arouca' and officer from Colonial regiment [UBGE] reasoning: "During the early stage of the defence colonial response was weak, we had few numbers, we held out the max we could in the Gallows but at the end we had to retreat to Kingstone."
Written by: [PRESS] Michael Scrapper
Edited by: [PRESS] Henry Stewart, [PRESS] Poe
Mapping by: [PRESS] Poe
Sources: [27th] Derp Cade, [UBGE] Arouca
Publication Date: 20/10/2022