Warden construction / architecture / work of art / cultural icon (?) in Basin Sionnach.
Community Submission.
WAR 96, DAY 487, Undisclosed Warden Rear Area --- Today saw what could possibly have been the first recorded wartime commercial exchange between different branches of the Warden military across remote regions using a normal gauge train. The echelon, headed by the locomotive Iron Stallion / LC000001 of the 82DK departed from [REDACTED] laden with 10 freight cars worth of petrol and heavy oil, which was delivered to a GOON-owned facility in [REDACTED], two regions away. Upon arrival, said freight was exchanged for valuable components, the train was refueled, and made the return trip back to its depot.
Instrumental to this exchange has been the TITAN rail network, maintained tirelessly in unison by almost every branch of the Warden military, allowing an almost direct journey to be made with minimal delays. Contribute to your local TITAN maintenance FOB today!
Written by: [82DK] Patchouli
Edited by: [PRESS] Poe
This article is a Community Submission, posted in the submissions text channel on the PressCorps Discord. Community Submissions feature independent reporting, and may be modified for reasons of clarity and grammar.