Advances made by the Wardens in Drowned Vale at start of war, led by the 82nd Dread Korps.

WAR 97, DAY 1-5, Drowned Vale --- 'War is [x]', is perhaps one of the most consistent literary tropes throughout the analysis of human conflict. For some, it is the cut and thrust of generals across map-tables, for others, the private rifleman left to hold a trench, and yet others, merely a continuation of politics. For the members of the Dread Korps, at least in this reporter's opinion however, there is no need to go further. For those grimly determined Caovians, War simply is.

The renewal of hostilities some days ago, up and down the lines, came with the chatter of rifle fire and the dull thud of explosives, but in few places was it more short, more sharp, more rapid in manoeuvre, and dramatic in display, then in sodden marshes of Drowned Vale. In a set-piece advance, the venerable 82nd moved from their start-lines around the Wisp's Warning and sought to exploit the weak positions ahead of them, reluctant to allow Mesean forces time to entrench. 

Whilst the broader Colonial deployment strategy is not yet fully clear, it does not appear they expected the wetlands of the Vale to host such aggressive and early fighting. Forward units of the advance moved quickly, reporting only scattered resistance as they rapidly moved towards Eastmarch, taking it before the sun set on the first day. Here, the main body diverged, with Scarus section moving to apply pressure to the Wash, and the main body advancing towards Vessel. Whilst the 82nd officer interviewed was unable to give specific comment on the fighting there, the town has since changed hand several times, and appears hotly contested.

Speaking with what seemed absolute confidence, the Commander of Scarus Section within the 82nd, Avitus Andrastate, explained during the interview given preliminary to this report the suspected cause of this slow Colonial deployment. In his opinion Mesean regiment commanders did not feel they could rapidly mobilise sufficient force to plug the gaps ahead of the Dread Korps advance without prejudicing their commitments to other fronts. This reporter has his doubts, as the organisational skill of the Legionnaires has been underestimated many times before, always to the deep regret of Caovia, but it is hard to argue with the results.

Whilst not committing to a full-scale assault, Scarus section instead moved to contain, bottling the Wash and attempting to cut off the offensive's primary objective, the Baths. This attack on logistics was further assisted by members of the 82nd's 'Death Riders' harassing supply convoys moving off from Umbral Wildwood, attempting to relieve the siege. Colonial forces, reacting rapidly, mirrored this tactic, and diverted considerable manpower and momentum from the front with their own attacks on the 82nd's now over-stretched logistics. Not intent on allowing the enemy to mobilise the considerable stocks in the seaport at the regional capital, Caovish forces pivoted, and with Vessel at very least contested, swung to attack their primary objective. As attested by one of the defenders;

 "From the rag tag Colonial forces viewpoint I can tell you the assault from the Dread Korps was overwhelming, the moment we arrived at the Eastmarch relic there were blasted wardens already outside. I myself arrived a bit later and not at the start of the battle but from what I heard some of the Wardens had already made it into the relic before the first Colonials could even get their rifles ready. From there the battle was dominated by large and well coordinated pushes by the Warden forces as we tried to hold onto Eastmarch in a desperate battle, but alas it was destined to fall."

When prompted on any other actions by the defenders, they added, "Yes, I would really want to give a shout out to the 40RC regiment and also just random vets." Though the outcome was probably at this point inevitable, the defenders were determined to make the Dread Korps bleed for every step.

Written by: [PRESS] Edward Bloke

Edited by: [PRESS] Henry Stewart

Mapping by: [PRESS] Poe

Published on: 9/11/2022